
Class 12 poetry – Central Idea of the Poem – From “The Passing Of Arthur “

Central Idea of the Poem – From “The Passing Of Arthur”

The Central Idea of the Poem – From “The Passing Of Arthur” composed by Alfred Lord Tennyson is that in this poem King Arthur has given his valuable advice to Sir Bedivere, a loyal knight of the Round Table. The king advises him not to be sorry for the ending of the Round Table. Change is the law of Nature. However noble and a good system may be, it will corrupt the world if it continues for a long time. He should pray to God for the peace of king’s soul if he does not see his king’s face again. Prayer is the best on the earth. Those who do not pray to God, are no better than sheep and goats. Prayer is a link that binds us by golden chains with God’s feet.

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