
The True Beauty

The True Beauty composed by Thomas Carew

The True Beauty Hindi Explanation

He that loves a rosy cheek
Or a coral lips admires,
Or from star-like eyes doth seek
Fuel to maintain his fires;
As old Time makes these decay,
So his flames must waste away.

वह व्यक्ति जो अपनी प्रेयसी के गुलाबी गाल को स्नेह करता है अथवा मूंगे के समान उसके लाल होठों की प्रशंसा करता है अथवा उसके तारों के समान आंखों से अपनी प्रेम रूपी अग्नि को बनाए रखने के लिए ईंधन की तलाश करता है जैसे ही समय की गति इन्हें नष्ट कर देती है उसकी प्रेम रूपी अग्नि अवश्य ही समाप्त हो जाएगी।

But a smooth and steadfast mind, 
Gentle thoughts, and calm desires,
Hearts with equal love combined,
kindle never-dying fires,
Where these are not, I despise
Lovely cheeks or lips or eyes.

लेकिन एक साफ-सुथरा, दृड़ मस्तिष्क, साधारण विचार, शांत इच्छाएं तथा एक समान स्नेह से जुड़े हुए ह्रदय प्रेम रूपी अग्नि को सदैव जागृत रखते हैं । जहां कहीं पर यें नहीं है मैं सुंदर गालों अथवा होठों अथवा आंखों से घृणा करता हूं।

Central Idea of the poem ‘The True Beauty’

The central idea of the poem ‘The True Beauty’ composed by Thomas Carew is that in this poem the poet praises spiritual beauty – the beauty of mind and soul and hates physical beauty without virtues. The physical beauty – rosy cheeks, coral lips, star-like eyes decreases as the time passes. As a result the lover’s feelings for his beloved get cool down. On the other hand the  love based on gentleness and purity of mind and soul is everlasting. It goes on inspiring the lover with greater eagerness and power.

Explanation with reference and context of the poem ‘The True Beauty’ :

He that …………… waste away. 

Reference – This stanza has been taken from the poem ‘The True Beauty’ composed by Thomas Carew.
Context – In these lines the poet tells us about physical beauty without virtues.
Explanation – The poet says that the love based on physical beauty is short lived. A man is attracted by the physical charms of his beloved. He loves her for rosy cheeks. He praises her because her lips are as red as the gem called coral. He keeps the fire of his love alive by her eyes which are as bright as the stars in the sky. Thus his love depends on the physical charms of the beloved. As time passes, his beloved becomes old. The physical beauty fades away. With the change in her physical attraction, his love also comes to an end.

But a smooth ……………… eyes.

Reference – This stanza has been taken from the poem ‘The True Beauty’ composed by Thomas Carew.

Context – In these lines the poet tells us about spiritual beauty.

Explanation – The poet praises the beauty of mind and soul. A woman who has pure and firm mind possesses true beauty. Simple thoughts, peaceful desires combined with equal love are necessary for permanent love. The fire of such a true love never dies. When these things are not in beloved, the poet does not like rosy cheeks, coral lips and star like eyes. The poet hates physical beauty without virtues.


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