
Synthesis of Sentences – Adverb or Adverbial Phrase

Synthesis of Sentences – Adverb or Adverbial Phrase

Synthesis of Sentences -  Adverb or Adverbial Phrase

-: Exercise :-

Combine each of the following sets of Simple Sentences into one Simple Sentence by using an Adverb or Adverbial Phrase :

1. The rose has thorns. This is certain.
Simple –
Certainly, the rose has thorns. Or The rose has thorns certainly.

2. Great people serve their country. Their service is selfless.
Simple –
Great people serve their country selflessly.

3.  He was at fault. There is no doubt in it.
Simple –
He was at fault undoubtedly. Or Undoubtedly, he was at fault.

4. He went to market. He was in a hurry.
Simple – 
He went to market in a hurry.  or  He went to market hurriedly.

5.  I shall return by morning. I am definite about it.
Simple – 
Definitely, I shall return by morning.  Or  I shall return by morning definitely.

6. I thanked him. I did it with all my heart.
Simple –  
I thanked him with all my heart.  Or  I thanked him heartedly.

7.  The river was flowing.  Its flow was slow.
Simple – 
The river was flowing slowly.

8.  He did it. He did it with all my heart.
Simple –
I did it with all my heart. Or I did it heartedly.

9.  He spent all his money. This was foolish.
Simple –
He spent all his money foolishly.

10.  She will pass the examination. It is certain.
Simple –
She will pass the examination certainly. Or Certainly, she will pass the examination.

11. The leader spoke. He spoke for few minutes.
Simple –
The leader spoke for a few minutes.

12.  He met with an accident. He was fortunate to escape unhurt.
Simple –
Fortunately, he escaped from an accident without hurt.

13.  They refused to listen to my proposals. Their refusal was firm.
Simple –
They refused to listen to my proposal firmly.

14.  This tain runs. Its speed is very fast.
Simple –
This tain runs very fastly.

15.  He kicked the player. It was his intention to do so.
Simple –
He kicked the player intentioally.

16.  He progressed much. His progress was rapid.
Simple –
He progressed rapidly.

17.  He takes a balanced diet. He is regular in it.
Simple –
He takes a balanced diet regularly. Or Regularly, he takes a balanced diet.

18.  They admitted their crime. They expressed regret.
Simple –
They admitted their crime regretfully.

19.  He failed in the examination. It was due to his carelessness.
Simple –
He failed in the examination carelessly.

20.  My friend came here. He cam here in a hurry.
Simple –
My friend came here in a hurry. Or My friend came here hurriedly.

21.  I got no injury in the accident. I was very lucky.
Simple –
Luckly, I got no injury in the accident.

22. The children grow up to be young. Their growth is slow. 
Simple –
The children grow up to be young slowly. Or. Slowly, the children grow up to be young.

23.  The dacoits murdered the old man. They were very cruel in it.
Simple –
The dacoints murdered the old man cruelly. Or Cruelly, the dacoits murdered the old man.

24.  The people could not run. They could not run fast.
Simple –
The people could not run fastly.

25.  He was a great favourite of his teachers. It is certain.
Simple –
He was a great favourite of his teachers certainly. Or Certainly, he was a great favourite of his teachers.

26.  Shivam answered me. His answer was correct.
Simple –
Shivam answered me correctly.

27. A sick man is walking there. He is very careful.
Simple –
A sick man is walking there very carefully.

28. Pick up your luggage. Do not delay.
Simple –
Pick up your luggage without delay.

29.  He will be an M.P. There is no doubt about it.
Simple –
Undoubtedly, he will be an M.P. Or He will be an M.P. undoubtedly.

-: One question for you :-

Qu.  He did his work. He was not careful about it.
Simple –

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