
Transformation of Sentences – Interchange of Assertive and Interrogative Sentences

Transformation of Sentences – Interchange of Assertive and Interrogative Sentences

Transformation of Sentences - Interchange of Assertive and Interrogative Sentences

-: Exercise :-

Transform the following Assertive Sentences into Interrogative Sentences :

1.  Nehru was honoured everywhere.
Interrogative – Was Nehru not honoured everywhere?

2.  None can avoid it.
Interrogative –  Can any one avoid it? Or  Who can avoid it?

3. The sun can never set in the east.
Interrogative –
Can the sun ever set in the east?

4. Everybody knows him.
Interrogative –
Does everybody not know him? Or Who does not know him?

5. Everybody likes to earn name and fame.
Interrogative –
Does everybody not like to earn name and fame? Or Who does not like to earn name and fame?

6. The earth is round.
Interrogative –
Is the earth not round?

7. No one is mightier than God.
Interrogative –
Is any one mightier than God. Or Who is mightier than God?

8. No wise man will behave so.
Interrogative –
Will any wise man behave so?

9. Long life does not make a man great.
Interrogative –
Does long life make a man great?

10. No one ever saw a greater misfortune.
Interrogative –
Did any one ever see a greater misfortune?

11. No body would like to be called a fool.
Interrogative –
Would any body like to be called a fool? Or Who would like to be called a fool?

12. Nobody would like to be called a slave?
Interrogative –
Would anybody like to be called a slave? Or Who would like to be called a slave?

13. Everybody loves his motherland.
Interrogative –
Does everybody not love his motherland? Or Who does not love his motherland?

14. No one can put up with such a conduct.
Interrogative –
Can any one put up with such a conduct? Or Who can put up with such a conduct?

15. It is no good to help a mean man.
Interrogative –
Is it any good to help a mean man? Or What is good to help a mean man?

16. Everybody likes to be prosperous.
Interrogative –
Does everybody not like to be prosperous? Or Who does not like to be prosperous?

17. A wise man is honoured everywhere.
Interrogative –
Is a wise man not honoured everywhere?

18. Drinking is harmful for health.
Interrogative –
Is drinking not harmful for health?

19. Money does not grow on trees.
Interrogative –
Does money grow on the trees?

20. There can be no success without hard work.
Interrogative –
Can there be any success without hard work?

21. Joys and sorrows go together.
Interrogative –
Do joys and sorrows not go together?

22. Even ants can teach us a lesson.
Interrogative –
Can even ants not teach a lesson?

23. Anyone will grow wise through experience.
Interrogative –
Will any one not grow wise through experience? Or Who will not grow wise through experience?

24. Sweet music pleases everyone.
Interrogative –
Does sweet music not please everyone?

-: One Question for You :-

Qu. Everybody likes to become great.
Interrogative –

-: Exercise :-

Transform the following Interrogetive Sentences into Assertive Sentences :

1.  Is Ram not a good boy?
Assertive – Ram is a good boy.

2. Who would like to be poor?
Assertive – None would like to be poor.

3.  Are his friends not faithful?
Assertive –
His friends are faithful.

4. Can a man change his skin?
Assertive –
A man can not change his skin.

5.  Who can count the stars in the sky?
Assertive –
None can count the stars in the sky.

6.  Can you gather grapes from throns?
Assertive –
You can not gather grapes from throns.

7.  Can you leave your friend in this miserable condition?
Assertive –
You can not leave your friend in this miserable condition?

8.  Will anyone like to fail?
Assertive –
None will like to fail.

9.  Who would not like to be famous?
Assertive –
Every body would like to be famous.

10.  Did Ram not love his sister?
Assertive –
Ram loved his sister.

11.  Who would not like to have it?
Assertive –
Every body would like to have it.

12.  Why waste money on such useless things?
Assertive –
It is extremely foolish to waste money on such useless things.

13.  Is blood not thicker than water?
Assertive –
Blood is thicker than water.

14.  Is there any place like home?
Assertive –
There is no place like home.

15. Who can control the wind?
Assertive –
None can control the wind.

16.  Is not the day intended for toil and the night for sleep?
Assertive –
The day is intended for toil and the night for sleep.

17.  Why waste time in reading trash?
Assertive –
It is extremely foolish to waste time in reading trash.

18.  Who does not know Mahatma Gandhi?
Assertive –
Every body knows Mahatma Gandhi.

19.  Is it not true that health is wealth?
Assertive –
It is true that health is wealth.

20. Who has seen the wind?
Assertive –
None has seen the wind?

-: One Question for You :-

Qu.  Shall I ever forget those happy days?
Assertive –

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