
UP Board Class 12 English Model Paper 2021

UP Board Class 12 English Model Paper 2021

UP Board Class 12 English Model Paper 2021

अनुक्रमांक ………………
नाम ……………..

112                                                            321(VT)

                                 2021       Total Marks – 100
                  English Model Paper

समय – 3 घंटे 15 मिनट
निर्देश – प्रारंभ के 15 मिनट परीक्षार्थियों को प्रश्न पत्र पढ़ने के लिए निर्धारित है।

Note – First 15 minutes are allotted to the candidates for reading the question paper.

Instructions :
(i) This paper is divided into Sections – A and B. Both Sections are compulsory.
(ii) Q. No. 10 has three Parts – I, II and III. Attempt only one part of Q. No. 10.
(iii) All other questions are compulsory.

          SECTION – A 

1. Explain with reference to the context any one of the following passages : 10
(a) The people I saw in India – those in the village as those in high office – have both pride and a lively sense of decency and citizenship. They also have a passion for independence. This beautiful child – born in squalor and poverty, uneducated in both grammar and manners – had given me a glimpse of the warm soul of India.

(b) There is a pleasant sense of freedom about being alone in carriage that is jolting noisily through the night.
It is liberty and unrestraint in a very agreeable form. You can do anything you like.

2. Answer any one of the following questions in not more than 30 words : 5
(a) Why does the author decide to be merciful to the mosquito?
(b) Why did Phatik run away from school?
(c) What kind of woman does society need today?

3. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the most suitable words given within the brackets : 4
(a) I bought one tiny ……… for a few annas.
(pencil, fan, basket, cup)

(b) I can not kill you, but I can …….. you.
(punish, pardon, insult, reprieve)
(c) You do not have ………… you are not human.
(power, compassion, glory, money)
(d) The old family system is ……….. itself to present day
condition. (connecting, adopting, adapting, finding)

4. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 30 words : 5 + 5 = 10
(a) What thoughts troubled Sanku after committing the theft?
(b) Why did the astrologer leave his village?
(c) What advice did the astrologer give to the stranger?

5. Explain with reference to the context any one of the
following extracts : 10

(a) How happy is he born or taught
That serveth not another’s will;
Whose armour is his honest thought,
And simple truth his utmost skill.

(b) But a smooth and steadfast mind,
Gentle thoughts, and calm desires,
Hearts with equal love combined,
Kindle never-dying fires –
Where these are not, I despise
Lovely cheeks or lips or eyes.

  1. Give the central idea of any one of the following poems : 7
    (a) My Heaven
    (b) The True Beauty
    (c) On His Blindness
  2. Write the definition of any one of the following figures of
    speech with two examples : 2 + 2 = 4

    (a) Metaphor
    (b) Oxymoron
    (c) Apostrophe

Section – B

  1. (a) Change any one of the following sentences into indirect
    form of speech : 2

    (i) My father said to me, “Why are you so eager to go to the
    picture today?”
    (ii) He said, “Let’s stop here and rest for a while.” (b) Combine any one of the following as directed within the brackets : 2
    (i) He heard the news. He was glad.
    (Complex Sentence)

(ii) The thief saw the policeman. He ran away.
(Simple Sentence)

(c) Transform any one of the following sentences as directed within the brackets : 2
(i) One should keep one’s promise. (Passive Voice)
(ii) Very few games are as popular as cricket.
(Superlative Degree)

(d) Correct any two of the following sentences : 2
(i) I have come to Mumbai a month ago.
(ii) What kind of a boy he is?
(iii) This is the best of the two.
(iv) Be kind to them who are poor.

  1. (a) Write synonyms of the following words : 3
    (i) Frugal
    (ii) Absurd
    (iii) Insolent
    (b) Write antonyms of the following words : 3
    (i) Blame
    (ii) Foreign
    (iii) Gallant
    (c) Use any three of the following idioms/phrases in your own
    sentences so as to bring out their meanings clearly : 3

    (i) All and sundry (iii) A maiden speech (iii) Bring out
    (iv) By and large (v) Black and white

(d) Substitute one word for the following expressions : 3
(i) A person who can neither read nor write.
(ii) A person who always thinks of himself.
(iii) One who knows everything.

(e) Use the following words in your own sentences so as to
bring out the differences in their meanings clearly : 2

(i) Stare
(ii) Stair

10. PART – I
Translate the following into English : 10

हमारे विद्यार्थियों के सामने आज अनेक समस्याएं हैं। उन्हें यह समझना चाहिए कि शिक्षा का लक्ष्य केवल सरकारी नौकरी नहीं है। भारत एक कृषि प्रधान देश है। यदि यहां पढ़े-लिखे लोग खेती की ओर ध्यान दें तो हम लोगों की दरिद्रता दूर हो सकती है। हमारे गांव में सुधार की जरूरत है। शिक्षित व्यक्ति जब गांव में रहने लगेंगे तो उन गांव का सामाजिक जीवन बिल्कुल बदल जाएगा। स्कूल की पढ़ाई खत्म कर इन दिनों हर एक विद्यार्थी विश्वविद्यालय में दाखिल होना चाहता है। यह धारणा एकदम गलत है। भारतीय युवक तथा युवतियों को इन विषयों पर ठीक से विचार करना चाहिए।

11. Write an essay on any one of the following topics in about
200 words : 12

(a) COVID – 19
(b) The Population Problem in India
(c) Health is Wealth
(d) Growing Violence in the Society
(e) Evils of Dowry System

12. Read the following passage carefully and answer the
questions that follow :

So wise men of all nations have to see if they can find a way of getting rid of wars altogether. If nations can learn to work together as friends, they will soon find a way of getting their disputes settled in a friendly way. Instead of being jealous of each other and suspicious and proud of their rights, they must learn to be friendly, reasonable and anxious to help each other. And the second thing is the rule of law. Just as citizens of a country have laws and agree to obey those laws, all nations must agree to obey the laws and feel bound to support them. If all nations work together for the common good of mankind and agree to obey laws, they will never fight each other and there will be no wars.

(a) What should all nations learn to work together as a friends? 2

(b) What will be the result if all nations work together for the common good of mankind? 2

(c) (i) Explain the underlined portion in the passage. 1
(ii) Give a suitable title to the above passage. 1

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