
UP Board Class 12 English Model Paper 2022

UP Board Class 12 English Model Paper 2022

UP Board Class 12 English Model Paper 2022

UP Board Class 12 English Model Paper 2022

अनुक्रमांक ………………
नाम ……………..

167        921(YT)

           2022        Total Marks – 100
English Model Paper
       Class – 12
समय – 3 घंटे 15 मिनट
निर्देश – प्रारंभ के 15 मिनट परीक्षार्थियों को प्रश्न पत्र पढ़ने के लिए निर्धारित है।
Note – First 15 minutes are allotted to the candidates for reading the question paper.

Instructions :
(i) This paper is divided into Sections – A, B, C and D.
(ii) All Sections are compulsory.

 SECTION – A (Reading)
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :
(A) A juggler stood playing a flute to a snake which coiled itself in a basket, its head raised in a graceful bend lke the neck ef a swan, while the music stole into its invisible ears like the genle rippling of a miniature waterfall. The child went towards the juggler. But knowing his parents had forbidden him to hear such coarse music as the jugglers played, he proceeded farther. There was a roundabout in full swing. Men, women and children, carried away in a whirling motion, shrieked and cried with their dizzy laughter. The child watched them intently going round and round, a pink blush of a smile on his face, his eyes rippling with the same movement, his lips parted in amazement, till he felt that he himself was being carried round. The ring seemed to go fiercely at first, then gradually it began to move less fast. Presently the child, rapt, finger in his mouth beheld it stop. This time, before his overpowering love for the anticipated sensation of movement had been chilled by the thought of his parents’ eternal denial, he made a bold request. “I want to go on the roundabout, please, father, mother.”

(B) There was no reply. He turmed to look at his parents. They were not there ahead of him. He turned to look on either side. They were not there. He looked behind. There was no sign of them. A full deep cry rose within his dry throat and with a sudden jerk of his body he ran from where he stood, crying in red fear, ‘mother, father!’ Tears rolled down from his eyes, hot and fierce; his flushed face was convulsed with fear. Panic-stricken, he ran to one side first, then to the other, hither and thither in all directions, knowing nowhere to go. ‘Mother, father!’ he wailed with a moist, shrill breath now, his throat being wet with swallowing the spittle. His yellow turban came untied and his clothes, wet with perspiration, became muddy where the dust had mixed with the sweat of his body. His light frame seemed heavy as a mass of lead.

(C) Having run to and fro in a rage of running for a while he stood defeated, his cries suppressed into sobs. At little distances on the green grass he could see, through his filmy eyes, men and women talking. He tried to look intently among the patches of bright yellow clothes, but there was no sign of his father and mother among these poople, who seemed to laugh and talk just for the sake of laughing and talking. He ran hotly again, this time to a shrine to which people seemed to be crowding. Every little inch of space here was congested with men but he ran through people’s legs, his little sob lingering Mother, father!’ Near the entrance to the temple, however, the crowd became very thick, men jostled each other, heavy men, with lashing, murderous eyes and hefty shoulders. The poor child struggled to thrust a way between their feet but, knocked to and fro by their brutal movements, he might have been trampled underfoot had he not shricked at the highest pitch of his voice : ‘Father, mother!’ A man in the surging crowd heard his cry and stooping with very great difficulty, lifted him up in his arms.

(D) “How did you get here, child? Whose baby are you?” the man asked as he steered clear of the mass. The child wept more bitterly than ever now and only cried : “I want my mother, I want my father!” The man tried to soothe him by taking him to the roundabout. “Will you have a lift on he horse?” he gently asked as he approached the ring. The child‘s throat tore into a thousand shrill sobs and he only shouted. “I want my mother, I want my father!” 

(E) The man headed towards the place where the juggler still played on the flute o the dancing cobra. “Listen to that nice music, child” he pleaded. But the child shut his ears with his fingers and shouted his double-pitched strain “I want my mother, I want my father!” The man took him near the balloons, thinking the bright colour of the balls would distract the child’s attention and quieten him. “Would you like a rainbow-coloured balloons?” he persuasively asked. The child turned his eyes from the flying balloons and just sobbed : “I want my mother, I want my father.”

(F) The man, still importunate in his kindly desire to make the child happy, bore him to the gate where the flowerseller sat. “Look ! Can you smell those nice flowers, child? Would you like a garland to put round your neck?” The child turned his nose away from the basket and reiterated his sobs: “I want my mother, I want my father.” Thinking to humour his disconsolate charge by a gift of sweets, the man took him to the counter of sweet shop. “What sweets would you like, child?” he asked. The child turned his face from the sweet shop and only sobbed : “I want my mother, I want my father.”

Questions :
(i) What was the child doing when he got lost? 3
(ii) Where did the child narrowly escaped being trampled underfoot? 3
(iii) What did the child refuse all the lovely things which he had earlier felt attractive? 3
(iv) What did the child see the juggler doing? Why did he not stay there? 3
(v) Choose from the passage the words that mean:
(a) dreadful (Para B) 1.5
(b) crowded (Para C) 1.5

SECTION – B (Writing)

2. You were involved in a road accident. Write a report giving details of the accident : a bus hit a tonga – people injured – one dead – traffic jam – injured were taken to hospital : 5


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :
I had left New Delhi for the Himalayas. I was going as far as Bareilly by train and then by car to Ranikhet – an old British army hill station located on 6000-foot ridge opposite a 120-mile stretch of snow capped Himalayas. The train was slow; and it stopped at all the way stations. At every stop, I swung open the door of my compartment, and walked the platform.
The platforms were the people – Sikhs, Moslems, Hindus; soldiers, merchants, priests, porters, beggers, hawkers. Almost everyone was barefoot and dressed in a loose white garments.I would ask at least three people before I could find one who spoke English. We would talk world affairs and every major topic, the news of the day produced. In this way, I was trying to get a feel of the pulse of the nation, checking openion against official attitudes and reports.
The route lay through one of the richest of India’s agricultural areas. This was the plain of the upper Ganga River. A Thousand feet above sea level but tropical. The Ganga was brown silt, swollen with flood waters, its over flow inundating thousands of acres of rice.

To the north were jungles-great expenses of grass, higher than a man’s head and unbroken except for an occasional clump of trees the – home of tigers, elephants, python and cobras. Everywhere else there was flat land running to the horizon, but dotted here and there by the sacred banyan tree or by the rows of pakar trees, shaped like elms and having thick twisted trunks. Hot, humid air was moving in from the south-west. Monkeys some of them mothers with babies clinging to them and riding underneath – swung off trees at the stations, looking for food .The villages we passed, had wwalls made of mud mixed with water and cow – dung. Their peaked roofs were thatched – bundles of grass tied to bamboo poles, stretched across the rafters. That day the pumpkin vines that grew over them, were in bloom, trailing streaks of yellow over drab walls.
At one station, my routine of talking with the people was interrupted. As soon as I alighted, a group of young children gathered around me. They were selling baskets – hand-woven, reed baskets with simple designs and patterns. They held the baskets high shouting words I did not know but conveying unmistakably their desire.
These were refugee children. When partition between India and Pakistan was creed hundreds of thousands of people pulled up their roots and changed their residence. Nine million people left pakistan and came to India, driven by the fear of religious fanaticism. They were poor people to start with; they were poorer as they began their long trek, for all they could carry, was a bit of food and a few belongings. Soon they were out of food. A few days after they started, they begin to fall by the way-side from the weakness of hunger, and died where they fell.

The children selling baskets were sons and daughters of these refugees. They or their parents are their parents or relatives had gathered in the cities, setting up stalls, manufacturing simple articles, trying to make a living in markets, already overcrowded, they lived in cloth and grass sheds that line the streets. The peasants among these refugees, had been a customto little all their lives for the annual income of an agricultural family does not exceed, on an average , one hundred dollars a year. The average unskilled labourer makes thiry cents a day or less than two dollares a week. There is one meal a day-an onion, a piece of bread, a bowl of pulse with milk, perhaps a bit of goat cheese. No tea, no coffee, no fat, no sweets, no meat.

One hundred dollars a year is not two dollars a week, yet even that small amount is hard to earn by selling baskets to people too poor to buy them. That no doubt is the reason these little children descended on me like locusts. I, an American, was doubtless the most promising market they had seen.

(a) On the basis of your reading of the given passage make notes
on it using headings and sub-headings.

(b) Write a summary of the given passage.

3. Write an essay on any of the following topics – 10
(i) Problem of Pollution
(ii) Covid-19
(iii) Corruption in India


Water is very precious. Some scientists even go to the extent of saying that the third world war may be fought on the issue of water. Keeping in view the need for saving each drop of water write an article.

4. Last week you bought an automatic washing machine from Ganesh Trimurti Stores, Varanasi. Now you find that the machine is not working properly and is making an unbearable noise. Write an letter to the dealer complaining about the same and requesting him to change the washing machine at the earliest. 5


Write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper about frequent breakdown of water supply in your locality.

SECTION – C (Grammar)

5. (a) Change the following sentences into indirect form of speech : 2

(i) Ravi said to me, “Good evening, I am pleased to see you here.”

(ii) My teacher said to me, “Are you not feeling well?” I replied,“yes”.
(b) Combine the following as directed within the brackets : 2

(i) Ravi met with an accident. He missed the examination. (Complex Sentence)
(ii) Ravi found his pen. The pen was lost. (Simple Sentence)

(c) Transform the following sentences as directed within the brackets : 2

(i) Don’t kill the innocent birds. (Passive Voice)

(ii) No other student is as good as Ravi. (Comparative Degree)

(d) Correct the following sentences : 2

(i) It is me who is your friend.

(ii) It was raining for three hours.

(e) Use the given idiom/phrase in your sentence : 2

(i) In lieu of

(ii) Man of letters

(f) Use the given phrasal verb in your sentence : 2

(i) Call off

(ii) Turn down


(g) Give the synonyms of the following words : 2

(i) Distress

(ii) Convict
(h) Give the antonyms of the following words : 2

(i) Consent

(ii) Defence

(i) Substitute one word for the following expressions : 2
(i) That which can be believed.

(ii) That can not be read.

(j) Use the following words in your own sentences so as to bring out the differences in their meanings clearly : 2
(i) Career, Carrier

(ii) Moral, Morale

  1. 6. Translate the following into English : 5
    जुलाई का महीना था। अत्यधिक गर्मी और घुटन थी। मैं स्कूल के लिए चल पड़ा। अचानक आकाश में बादल छा गए। शीतल हवा बहने लगी। सूरज घने बादलों में छिप गया। बादल गरजे और बिजली चमकने लगी। झमाझम पानी बरसने लगा। सड़कों पर पानी ही पानी दिखाई पड़ने लगा। छोटे बच्चे बरसात का आनंद ले रहे थे। एक घंटे बाद बारिश रुकी। मैं पूरी तरह भीग गया था। जब मैं स्कूल पहुंचा तो पता चला कि प्रधानाचार्य महोदय ने वर्षा दिवस की घोषणा कर दी थी।
 SECTION – D (Literature) 
  1. 7. Answer any one of the following questions in not more than150 words : 7
  2. (a) What was the scene inside the class when Franz reached the school?
  3. (b) Why did Gandhiji disregard the order to leave Champaran?
  4. 8. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 30 words each : 4 + 4
  5. (a) Who was the rattrap seller? How did he make them?
  6. (b) What did M. Hamel say when Franz reached to the school?
    (c) How many ragpickers used to live in Seemapuri, Delhi?
  1. 9. Read the following lines of poetry and answer the questions given below it :
    Perhaps the Earth can teach us
    As when everything seems dead
    and later proves to be alive.
    Now I’ll count up to twelve
    and you keep quiet and I will go.

(a) What lesson can the Earth teach us? 2

(b) What does poet ask us to do? 2

(c) What remain alive when everything seems to be dead? 2

Essay on Covid -19 Essay on COVID – 19
  1. 10. Give the central idea of any one of the following poems : 4
  2. (a) My mother at Sixty six
    (b) An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
  3. 11. Answer any one of the following questions in not more than 150 words : 7
    (a) What was the third level? Where was it situated and how was it described by psychiatrist Sam?
    (b) Describe the basis tale told by Jack to his daughter Jo in the lesson ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy’?
  4. 12. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 30 words each : 4 + 4
  5. (a) Who was the tiger king? How was he named it?
  6. (b) Who was the General? Why did he call Dr. Sadao?
  7. (c) What did Jack find when he went downstairs?

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