
Essay on Wonders of Science

Essay on Wonders of Science

Wonders of Science

Wonders of Science or Blessings of Science

1. Introduction 2. Wonders or Blessings of Science – (a) Field of Transport and Communication (b) Field of Agriculture and Industry (c) Field of Recreation and Medicine 3. Conquest of Space 4. Conclusion 

1. Introduction – In the past, science was not so developed as it is today. People were only depended on the mercy of God. But now the situation has completely changed. Now wonders of science are visible everywhere. Science has removed superstitions. It has removed sufferings. The development of science has made our life easy and comfortable.

2. Wonders or Blessings of Science – Science has improved living condition of man. Various means of transportation and communication have shortened time and space. In the past, people suffered from various fatal diseases. But now the development of Medical Science has made diseases curable. Science has helped man to build dams and dig canals. Science has given us wonderful means of recreation. Cinema, radio, television, gramophone and photography are common means of recreation.

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(a) Field of Transport and Communication – Science has played a remarkable role in the field of transport and communication. A few hundred years ago, travelling was a difficult task. People often travelled on foot or on the horseback. But today science has developed the fastest means of travelling. Motor-bike, car, jeep, bus, truck, train, ship and aeroplane have made travelling very easy and comfortable.

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(c) Field of Recreation and Medicine – Science has made life more comfortable by providing various means of recreation. Cinema is blessing of science. Radio and television have brought a lot of happiness in every home. Today due to medical science almost all diseases are curable.

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3. Conquest of Space – Today the greatest wonder of science is the conquest of space. It is perhaps, the most astonishing miracle of science. Today man has visited the moon. Hundreds of artificial satellites are orbiting the earth.

4. Conclusion – Science is a boon. It has become a part of our life. But invention of science should not be misused. Today life cannot be imagined without science.

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