Synthesis of Sentences – Solved Exercise of using a Preposition before a Gerund or Noun
Solved Exercise of Synthesis -: Exercise :- Combine the following groups of Simple Sentences into one Simple Sentence by using a Preposition before a Gerund
Solved Exercise of Synthesis -: Exercise :- Combine the following groups of Simple Sentences into one Simple Sentence by using a Preposition before a Gerund
हिंदी काव्य साहित्य के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न -: हिंदी काव्य साहित्य का विकास :- निर्देश :- सही विकल्प का चयन कीजिए – 1. ‘विनय पत्रिका’ के
Synthesis of Sentences – Solved Exercise of Nominative Absolute -: Exercise :- Combine the following Simple Sentences into one Simple Sentence by using Nominative Absolute
Syntheais of Sentences – Solved Exercise of Infinitive -: Exercise :- Combine each set of the following Simple Sentences into one Simple Sentence by using
Synthesis of Sentences – Solved Exercise of Participle -: Exercise :- Combine each set of the following Simple Sentences into one Simple Sentence by using
हिंदी गद्य साहित्य से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न हिंदी गद्य साहित्य का विकास -: बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न :- Note – निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के सही विकल्प चुनिए –
The Inventor Who Kept His Promise ( वह खोजकर्ता जिसने अपना वादा पूरा किया) Hindi Explanation of the lesson “The Inventor Who Kept His
The Enchanted Pool ( जादुई तालाब ) Hindi Explanation of the lesson ‘The Enchanted Pool’ 1. Youdhishthira waited ……….. might find them. युधिष्ठिर ने चिंता
The Fountain Hindi Explanation of the poem ‘The Fountain’ Into the sunshineFull of the light,Leaping and flashingFrom morn till night! प्रकाश से परिपूर्ण सूर्य की
Gandhiji And A Coffee Drinker Hindi Explanation Of The Lesson ‘Gandhiji And A Coffee Drinker’ Gandhiji was a first ……….. sick person. गांधीजी रोगियों के