UP Board Class 12 English Paper 2016 With Solution Set 1
UP Board Class 12 English Paper 2016 With Solution Set 1
UP Board Class 12 English Paper 2016 With Solution Set 1
Section – B
9. (a) Change any one of the following into indirect form of speech :
(i) He said, “We are all sinners.”
Indirect – He said that we are all sinners.
(ii) Rama said, “I had a meeting last night.”
Indirect – Rama said that he had a meeting the previous night.
(b) Combine one of the following sets of sentences as directed within the brackets:
(i) He has four children. He has to support them. (Simple Sentence)
Simple – He has four children to support them.
(ii) He is a true patriot. He will not betray his country. (Simple Sentence)
Simple – Because of being a true patriot, he will not betray his country.
(c) Transform one of the following sentences as directed within the brackets :
(i) Subject him to a severe examination. (Passive Voice)
Passive – Let him be subjected to a severe examination.
(ii) The sun rose and the fog disappeared. (Simple Sentence)
Simple – The sun being risen, the fog disappeared.
(d) Correct any four of the following sentences :
(i) This is one of the most interesting books that has ever been printed.
Correct – This is one of the most interesting books that have ever been printed.
(ii) Knowledge is even more preferable than riches.
Correct – Knowledge is even preferable to riches.
(iii) I forbade you not to enter this room.
Correct – I forbade you to enter this room.
(iv) Two years passed since my father died.
Correct – Two years have passed since my father died.
(v) He is angry upon me.
Correct – He is angry with me.
(vi) He carefully investigated into the case.
Correct – He carefully investigated the case.
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10. (a) Use any three of the following idioms/phrases in your own sentences so as to bring out their meanings clearly :
(i) get the better of
Answer – Sincerity gets the better of lip sympathy.
(ii) All the way
Answer – Ravi climbed the mountain all the way.
(iii) Bear out
Answer – The fact don’t bear this out. Her story bears out exactly what you said.
(iv) Call on
Answer – My old friend called on my house last night.
(v) Get over
Answer – I managed to get over the sand dunes and moved on towards the shoreline.
(b) Give the antonyms of the following words :
(i) Deserter
Antonyms – companion
(ii) Mundane
Antonyms – ideal
(iii) Wisdom
Answer – folly
(c) Give the synonyms of the following words :
(i) Vice
Synonyms – sin
(ii) toil
Synonyms – labour
(iii) Durable
Synonyms – lasting
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(d) Substitute one word for the following expressions :
(i) A medicine that kills germs.
Answer – Pesticide
(ii) Not liable to error or mistake.
Answer – Infallible
(iii) Piece of land surrounded by water.
Answer – Peninsula
(e) Use the following words in sentences of your own so as to bring out the differences in their meanings clearly :
Vale, Veil
Answer – Vale – The vale of Kashmir looks very beautiful.
Veil – The veil of the bride was lift by the husband.
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11. Translate the following into English :
प्रयत्न करना है तो फिर प्रार्थना क्यों ? प्रयत्न करना है, इसीलिए तो प्रार्थना चाहिए, मैं प्रयत्न करने वाला हूँ । पर फल मेरी मुट्ठी में थोड़े ही है । फल तो ईश्वर की इच्छा पर अवलम्बित है । मैं प्रयत्न करके भी कितना करूंगा ? मेरी शक्ति कितनी अल्प है ? ईश्वर की सहायता के बिना मैं अकेला क्या कर सकता हूँ ? मैं सत्य की ओर अपना कदम बढ़ाता रहूँ तो भी ईश्वर की कृपा के बिना मैं मंजिल पर नहीं पहुँच सकता । मैं रास्ता काटने का प्रयत्न तो करता हूँ, पर अन्त में मैं रास्ता काटुंगा कि बीच में मेरे पैर कट जाने वाले हैं, यह कौन कह सकता है । इसलिए अपने ही बलबूते मैं मंजिल पर पहुँच जाऊँगा, यह घमण्ड फिजूल है ।
Answer – Why pray if it is to try ? It is to try therefore prayer is needed. I am about to try but the result is not in my hand. The result depends on the wish of God. How much will I do with my attempt ? How short is my power ? What can only I do without the help of God ? I proceed towards the truth even then I cannot reach my target without grace of God. I try to cover the path but at last I will cover the path or I will lose my feet, who can say it ? So I shall get my aim by myself, this proud is false.
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