
Class 12 English Paper 2010 with Solution Set 2

Class 12 English Paper 2010 with Solution Set 2

Class 12 English Paper 2010 with Solution Set 2

Class 12 English Paper 2010 Set 2 with Answer 

(Section – B)

9. (a) Change one of the following into indirect form of speech :

(i) The teacher said, “My students were playing hockey before sunset.”

Indirect – The teacher said that his students had been playing hockey before sunset. 

(ii) The nurse said to the patient, “Don’t you feel better this morning?”

Indirect – The nurse asked the patient if he did not feel better that morning. 

(b) Combine one of the following sets of sentences as directed within the brackets :

(i) William C. Douglas saw a girl. She was nine years old. She was a refugee girl. (Simple Sentence) 

Simple – William C.  Douglas saw a nine years old refugee girl. 

(ii) We must love the poor. Gandhiji taught us so. (Complex Sentence)

Complex – Gandhiji taught us that we must love the poor. 

(c) Transform one of the following sentences as directed within the brackets :

(i) She is too weak to pass the examination. (Rewrite the sentence removing ‘too’) 

Ans.  She is so weak that she can not pass the examination. 

(ii) No other poet of India is so great as Kalidas. (Superlative Degree)

Superlative – Kalidas is the greatest poet of India. 

(d) Correct any four of the following sentences :

(i) I could not get good mark in English. 

Correct – I could not get good marks in English. 

(ii)  This blanket is inferior than that. 

Correct – This blanket is inferior to that. 

(iii) The peon opened the office before the principal came. 

Correct – The peon had opened the office before the principal came. 

(iv) Being a very cold day, I could not go out. 

Correct – It being a very cold day, I could not go out. 

(v) One must respect his parents. 

Correct – One must respect one’s parents. 

(vi) If it will rain, I shall stay at home. 

Correct – If it rains, I shall stay at home. 

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10. (a) Use any three of the following idioms/phrases in your own sentences so as to bring out their meanings clearly :

(i) break out

Ans. Break out (फैल जाना) – Plague broke out in my city last year. 

(ii) give up

Ans. Give up  (त्यागना या छोड़ना) – He has given up his bad habits. 

(iii) all in all

Ans. All in all (सर्वे सर्वा) – Ravi is all in all in his office. 

(iv) nip in the bud 

Ans. Nip in the bud (प्रारंभ में भी नष्ट कर देना) – All the bad habits must be nipped in the bud. 

(v) picks holes in 

Ans. Picks holes in ( दोष निकालना) – He picks holes in others. 

(b) Give the synonyms of the following words :

(i) Contribute 

Synonyms – subscribe, help

(ii) sacred 

Synonyms – holy

(iii) anger

Synonyms – rage

(c) Give the antonyms of the following words :

(i) deficit 

Antonyms – surplus 

(ii) Knowledge 

Antonyms – ignorance 

(iii) bright

Antonyms – dim

(d) Substitute one word for the following expressions :

(i) Fit to eat or consume 

Ans. Edible 

(ii) Born after the death of its father. 

Ans. Posthumous 

(iii) That cannot be repaired. 

Ans. Irreparable 

(e) Use the following words in sentences of your own so as to bring out the differences in their meanings clearly :

coarse, course

Ans. Coarse (घटिया या मोटा) – Ravi puts on a dress made of coarse cloth. 

Course (पाठ्यक्रम) – This question is out of course. 

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Translate the following into English 

सुकरात यूनान के महान दार्शनिक थे । उनका जन्म ईसा मसीह के जन्म से 400 वर्ष पूर्व एथेंस नगर में हुआ था । वे न्याय के सिद्धान्तों में विश्वास करते थे । वे नगर में पैदल ही घूमते थे तथा लोगों को ज्ञान तथा सत्य के मार्ग पर चलने के लिए प्रेरित करते थे । वे एथेंस नगर को एक आदर्श राज्य बनाना चाहते थे । शीघ्र ही वे एक शिक्षक के रूप में प्रसिद्ध हो गये । यूनान के शासक सुकरात की बढ़ती हुई लोकप्रियता को सहन न कर सके । शीघ्र ही उन पर यह आरोप लगाया गया कि वे देश के युवकों को गुमराह कर रहे थे । यूनानी शासकों ने उन्हें जेल भेज दिया । न्यायालय ने उन्हें मृत्युदण्ड दिया । इस महान दार्शनिक का जीवन हमें सत्य तथा ज्ञान के मार्ग पर चलते रहने का सन्देश देता है ।

Ans. Socrates was a great philosopher of Greece. He was born in the city of Athense 400 years B.C. He believed in the principles of justice. He walked in the city on foot and inspired the people to go on the path of knowledge and truth. He wished to see the city of Athense as an ideal state. Very soon, he became popular as a teacher. The rulers of Greece could not bear the popularity of Socrates. In no time, he was charged that he was misleading the young of the country. The rulers of Greece sent him to prison. The court of justice sentenced him to death. The life of this great philosopher conveys us a message of going on the path of the truth and knowledge incessantly.

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