
A Fellow Traveller

Important Questions Answers - A Fellow Traveller

Here you will get all imoprtant questions answers - A Fellow Traveller

English Prose - A Fellow Traveller

A. Short answer types questions :-

Qu. 1  When did the author become aware of his fellow - traveller in the coach?

Ans.  He became aware tof the presence of his fellow traveller when it came and sat on his nose.

Qu. 2  What did the author become aware of presence of his fellow - traveller in the coach?

Ans.  When the fellow traveller came and sat on the nose of the author he flicked it off.

Qu. 3  What did the fellow traveller do to avoid the sentence of death?

Ans.  To avoid the sentence of death the fellow traveller saved itself cunningly from the attack of the author.

Qu. 4  Why, according to the author, did the fellow traveller disturb his repose?

Ans.  The fellow traveller wanted to enjoy himself and he also wanted to little sport. Therefore he disturbed the writer' s repose.

Qu. 5  Why did the author decided to be magnanimous and merciful to the fellow traveller?

Ans.  He decided to be magnanimous and merciful to the fellow traveller because magnanimity and mercy were the noblest qualities of man.

Qu. 6  What are the advantages of travelling alone in a railway compartment?

Ans.  The advantage of travelling alone in a railway compartment are that one can enjoy full freedom. One can do anything one likes without irritating anyone else.


Important Questions Answers - A Fellow Traveller

Qu. 7  Where was the author going?

Ans.  The writer was going to a Midland town.

Qu. 8  What is, according to Mr. A. G. Gardiner, the pleasent sense of freedom about being alone in a compartment?

Ans.  According to Mr. A. G. Gardiner, the pleasent sense of freedom about being alone in the compartment is that one is free to do what one likes. One can talk to oneself, one can sing, dance, practise golf stroke or play marbles on floor. One can open and shut the windows.

Qu. 9  What did the author do while travelling alone in the compartment?

Ans.  While travelling alone in the compartment, the author put down his paper, streched his arms and legs and stood up. He crossed the floor, peeped out of the window, lit a cigarette, took a seat and began to read.

Qu. 10  What relationship did the author develop with his fellow traveller?

Ans.  The author developed a more distant relationship with his fellow traveller. It was based on equality and fellow feeling.


B. Long answer types questions :

Qu. 1  What did the author begin to think when he found himself so helpless and stupid against his fellow traveller?

Ans.  The writer was travelling by train from Landon to a Midland town. He was all alone in the compartment. Soon he found that he had a fellow traveller. It was a mosquito. First, it sat on his nose. It was the first offence of the fellow traveller. The writer flicked him off his nose. The fellow traveller made a tour of the compartment, the windows and the light. He again came over the neck of the writer. The writer flicked him off again. He skipped away, came again and sat on the back of the writer's hand. He had already warned the fellow traveller twice.

The third attack on the back of his hand was intolerable to him. He charged the fellow traveller with vagrancy, public nuisance, without ticket travelling and gave him death sentence. He then gave a deadly blow out the mosquito dodged it. The angry and insulted writer followed the fellow traveller everywhere in the compartment. He tried to kill him with the newspaper. But the fellow traveller saved himself skilfully every time as an expert matador. Thus the fight between the writer and the mosquito was very interesting. Feeling tird and helpless, the writer changed his mind. He gave up the idea of killing his fellow travller. He developed a new kind of human relationship with the mosquito - his fellow traveller. The fight ended in peace.


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Qu. 2  What relationship did the A. G. Gardiner develop with his fellow traveller?

Ans.  A. G. Gardiner was travelling in an evening train. As the train had left the outer ring of Landon the author was alone in the compartment. On finding himself alone in the compartment a strange sense of freedom prevailed upon the author. He thought he could do anything in the compartment because there was none elseto check him. For example, he could talk to himself at the top of his voice, he could auarrel with anyone and make him roll in the dust without fear of revenge.

He could also stand on his head, sing or dance, play golf, play marbles, open a window or all of them, close a window or all of them. He could choose any seat to sit or could lie on the cushions without breaking any law.


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