
UP Board Class 10 Pre Board Exam English Model Paper 2022

UP Board Class 10 Pre Board Exam English Model Paper 2022

UP Board Class 10 Pre Board Exam English Model Paper 2022

UP Board Class 10 Pre Board Exam English Model Paper 2022

Instructions :
(i) This question paper is divided into Sections – A, B, C and D.
(ii) All questions from the sections are compulsory.
(iii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iv) Read the questions very carefully before you starting answering them.

SECTION – A (Reading)
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it :
Buddha found that all men are unhappy – rich or poor. Wealth brings comfort, a fleeting fancy of joy, but no real happiness. While he was in this mood, he came across one of the saints who still performed penance far from the crowd. A passionate desire to do likewise took hold of Gautama. Just then the news was brought to him of his first born son. This is another ‘tie to break’, said Gautama. He felt like a man whose house is on fire. At night he awoke in a great agony of spirit, went into the bright moonshine; mounted his horse and rode off into the wood. He met a holy hermit in the Vindhya mountains and talked to him but he was not satisfied. Then he went to the jungle with five disciples and there he gave himself up to fasting and penance. But it brought him no sense of truth. Then he gave up fasting and began to feed himself fully. He realised that truth may be reached best by nourished brain in a healthy body. 

Questions :
(i) Buddha found out a very specific thing. What was that? 3
(ii) Why did Buddha go to jungle? 3
(iii) Find out a word in the passage which is opposite of ‘sadness’. 2
(iv) Find out a word in the passage which means ‘pain’. 2

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Section B (Writing)
2. Write a letter to your elder brother to send you some money to purchase some necessary books. 4
Write an application to your Principal for issuing Transfer Certificate.

3. Write a report on the Republic Day celebration in your school in 60 – 80 words. 6
(School decoration, flag hosting ceremony, cultural programme, speech by Principal and others, sweet-distribution)
Write an article on the My Idea of an Ideal College in about 60 – 80 words :
– Name and Situation
– Building
– Library
– Play Ground
– Conclusion

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Section C (Grammar)
4. Choose the correct option to answer the following questions :
(i) ‘A fat boy came to my office.’ Identify the adjective. 1 x 5 = 5
(a) a
(b) boy
(c) came
(d) office
(ii) I saw a boy yesterday. Identify the verb –
(a) a
(b) boy
(c) saw
(d) yesterday

(iii) The noun form of strong is –
(a) strange
(b) strongly
(c) stronger
(d) strength
(iv) Ravi is fond ……. playing cricket.
(a) to
(b) of
(c) at
(d) in

(v) ‘I am killing a snake.’ Change into past indefinite tense –
(a) I had killed a snake.
(b) I killed a snake.
(c) I had not killed a snake.
(d) I kill a snake.

5. Change the following as directed in the brackets : 1 x 5 = 5
(i) Ravi said to me, “What did you do yesterday?”
(Change into the indirect speech)
(ii) I know you.
(Change into passive voice)

(iii) Punctuate the following using capital letters wherever necessary:
ravi said to her friend what did you buy a book yesterday
(iv) Frame a correct sentence by re-ordering the words.
the is one most beautiful building Taj Mahal world the of the in.
(v) Complete the spelling of the following word :

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Section D (Literature)
7. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it :
No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. Even in the grimmest times in prison, when my comrades and I were pushed to our limits, I would see a glimmer of humanity in one of the guards, perhaps just for a second, but it was enough to reassure me and keep me going. Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.

Questions –
(i) What should people learn according to Mr. Nelson Mandela? 2
(ii) What can never be extinguished? 2
8. Answer anyone of the following questions in about 60 words : 4
(i) Give the character sketch of Anne Frank.
(ii) What does Mandela think about the patriots? Can they be repaid?

9. Answer any two of the following questions in about 25 words each : (2 + 2 = 4)
(i) Why did Valli want to ride on the bus?
(ii) What according to Mandela is true freedom?
(iii) How did Lencho’s prediction about rain come true?
10. Match the words of List A with their meanings in List B : 3
List A        List B
vendor        sage
preserved     hawker
monk             kept safe

6. Translate the following into English :  5

एक किसान अपने खेत के चारों तरफ की मेड़ तोड़ – तोड़ कर अपना खेत बढ़ाता रहता था । उसको राजा के दरबार में शिकायत हुई । राजा ने उससे पूछा – ” तुम ऐसा क्यों करते हो ? ” धूर्त्त किसान बोला ‘ सरकार ! मैं चाहता हूँ कि राज्य की एक इंच भी भूमि बेकार न रहे । अधिक से अधिक अन्न पैदा किया जाए , जिससे राज्य की लक्ष्मी बढ़े और आपके यश का विस्तार हो । मेरी तो आपसे यह प्रार्थना है कि मुझे और भी जमीन प्रदान की जाए । “

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11. Read the following extract and answer the questions given below it :
Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice,
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire
(i) What type of desire will cause the end of the earth? 2
(ii) What is the name of the poem? 2

12. Write the central idea of one of the following poems : 4
(i) Dust of Snow
(ii) The Trees
Write four lines from one of the poems given in your textbook.
(Don’t copy the lines given in the question paper.)

13. Answer any two of the following questions in about 25 words each : (2 + 2 = 4)
(i) Why is Mrs. Pumphrey worried about Tricki?
(ii) Hari Singh had few friends? What was the reason?
(iii) What was so strange about the furniture and Mrs Hall?
14. Answer anyone of the following questions in about 60 words : 4
(i) Write a Character sketch of Bholi.
(ii) Mrs. Pumphrey was responsible for Tricki’s poor condition. Describe it in detail.

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15. (a) Point out which statement is true and which one is false :(1 + 1 = 2)
(i) James Herriot was a veterinary surgeon.
(ii) Griffin was a brilliant scientist.
(b) Select the most suitable alternative to complete the following statements : (1 + 1 = 2)
(i) Griffin was a ……..
(a) shopkeeper (b) landlord
(c) scientist (d) clergyman
(ii) What did Hari Singh want from Anil?
(a) work (c) eatable
(b) money (d) home

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