Unseen Passage
Unseen Passage -: Unseen Passage :- [UP Board Exam, 2019] -: Passage :- It is only under circumstances of adversity that the real man is
Class 11 and 12 English Grammar – Speech, Synthesis, Transformation of Sentences, Syntax, Idioms and Phrases, Synonyms, Antonyms, One word substitution, Essay.
Unseen Passage -: Unseen Passage :- [UP Board Exam, 2019] -: Passage :- It is only under circumstances of adversity that the real man is
Essay on Pollution -: Essay on pollution :- Introduction 2. Kinds of Pollution 3. How to check Pollution 4. Conclusion. Pollution has become a serious
Story translation from Hindi to English Exercise – 1 Translate the following into English : एक दिन गौतम बुध बाजार जा रहे थे। उन्होंने कुछ
Idioms and Phrases -: Important Idioms and Phrases for Board Exam :- 1. All in all ( सर्वेसर्वा)Use. The principal is all in all in
Homophones (समान ध्वनि वाले शब्द) -: Homophones (एक समान ध्वनि वाले शब्द) :- 1. Access (पहुंच) : Ravi has an access to the D. M.
Antonyms (विलोम शब्द) -: Antonyms (विलोम शब्द) :- 1. Above (ऊपर)Antonyms – Below 2. Attack (आक्रमण)Antonyms – Defend 3. Ability (योग्यता)Antonyms – Inability 4. Adversity (मुसीबत)Antonyms –
Synonyms (पर्यायवाची शब्द) Synonyms (पर्यायवाची शब्द) 1. Abandon (छोड़ देना) : leave, forsake, give up2. Attain (प्राप्त करना) : gain, achieve, get, acquire3. Adversity (मुसीबत)
One Word Substitution One Word Substitution ( शब्द समूह के लिए एक शब्द) 1. The life history of a man written by himself.Ans. Autobiography (आत्मकथा)
Article – a, an, the -: Exercise :- Correct the following sentences : 1. The virtue is its own reward.Correct – Virtue is its own reward.
Transformation of Sentences – Interchange of Assertive and Interrogative Sentences -: Exercise :- Transform the following Assertive Sentences into Interrogative Sentences : 1. Nehru was